Session Description
This Pecha Kucha-style presentation explores ‘The Sipping Point’ – an open invitation for university staff to “non formally” discuss diverse approaches to teaching practice. Each month at ‘The Sipping Point’, interested parties meet up at 2-3 campus locations for an hour over lunch to unpack a theme suggested in advance by participants. Running since April 2017, the format typically starts with two academics presenting briefly on an aspect of their teaching (e.g. group work). The the topic is then opened to the floor to be discussed and contextualized by peers. While the primary mode of interaction is face-to-face, some bounded and open online elements are also used to support ongoing conversations.
This session outlines how staff have responded to this form of open pedagogy (Sinkinson, 2018) and draws on findings from a recent survey to explain why they said they valued it. The session also casts a critical eye by asking if this approach unwittingly privileges dramatic change and high workload approaches over simpler, smaller-scale ideas. It also asks if such an approach can address the common scenario where it is “the usual suspects”, those who are most passionate and knowledgeable about teaching, who make up the majority of those involved.
To encourage global engagement and participation, a Padlet wall will be set up to invite the sharing of similar practice-sharing initiatives.
Sinkinson, C. (2018). The Values of Open Pedagogy. [online] EDUCAUSE Review. Available at: [Accessed 30th Nov. 2018].
Session content
This fast-paced Pecha Kucha-style presentation will be highly practical in focus, with a sometimes humorous use of author-created photographic visuals to support the points made. It will be presented by the academic developer who initiated the idea and who facilitates the sessions each month. It is hoped that the presentation will inspire others to establish or reinvigorate similar types of open practice-sharing initiatives elsewhere. As stated in the abstract, a Padlet wall will be created and tweeted prior to the event and it will be referred to during the presentation to encourage active engagement.
Sinkinson, C. (2018). The Values of Open Pedagogy. [online] EDUCAUSE Review. Available at: [Accessed 30th Nov. 2018].
Clare Gormley posted an update in the session The Sipping Point: Can openness start with a cuppa? [O-130] 5 years, 11 months ago
Here’s the link to my presentation slides: