Recentering Open: Critical and global perspectives
10-11 April 2019, National University of Ireland, Galway
We are looking forward to welcoming you in Galway. Registration for OER19 is now closed as event is sold out but you find out more about sessions that will be live streamed. The OER Conference will focus on the following themes:
- Back to basics – asking difficult questions about open education:
- Why open?
- Open for whom?
- Whose interests are served?
- In what ways has the open agenda been appropriated, and what are the implications of this?
- The geopolitics of open education, bringing open in from the periphery
- The open ecosystem: How is open education part of the broader ecosystem of “opens”?
- What does it mean to illuminate open by considering context?
- How can historical perspectives contribute to understanding the issues faced in the open education movement today?
- Links between critical digital literacies, critical data literacies, and openness
- What open business models are emerging? What are the paths to sustainability?
- What are the risks and challenges to the open education agenda?
The conference will be co-chaired by Laura Czerniewicz and Catherine Cronin. Read more about the conference co-chairs.