Session Description
The Assets Com Erasmus+ project key action is cooperation and the exchange of good practices. One of the key outcomes of the project is the design of Collaborative Open Educational Resources (COERs) to promote inter professional learning in Assets based approaches to community participation. The project entailed collaboration across five different national, Higher Education (HE) and community contexts, and across different disciplinary and occupational groups. Therefore, how to conceptualise and design educational resources that afford recontextualisation of learning has been a central issue through out the project (Miller, MacIntyre and Mckenna, 2018).
Ehlers (2011), is of the opinion that open access is a necessary but not sufficient condition for the opening of education. He asserts that a focus on open educational resources (OERs) as a means to expanding access to digital content does not harness the full potential of OER in the promotion of open educational practice (OEP) and innovation into learning and teaching. This, he argues, would entail looking beyond access into open learning architectures, with a focus on learning construction and sharing where learners are empowered to become co-producers on their lifelong learning path. Ehlers (ibid) argues that this necessitates a change in educational cultures and institutional policy and practice. He presents a matrix for evaluating the constitutive elements of OEP where OEP represent collaborative practice in which OER are shared and pedagogical strategies are used to ensure social interaction, knowledge creation, peer-learning and shared learning practices. Karunanayaka and Naidu (2017) argue the value principle that underpins open scholarship is that education in general, and knowledge more specifically, is a public good that should be available to all. However, for this to occur the opportunity to adopt and adapt these resources in ways to suit local contexts is critical and crucial for promoting equity and equality of educational opportunity more broadly.
The Assets Com project has engaged in a collaborative process of HE researchers working with community stakeholder groups to produce OERs that can be utilised and further developed across multiple community and occupational contexts. The design process has already engaged the project teams in new open educational practices through collaborative knowledge production and sharing of innovations. Case studies were produced based on real life challenges in the professional development of community orientated professional and occupational groups. Cross case analysis that straddled geographical and professional contexts informed the development of themes which became the focus of the COERs. These COERs can be studied individually, as part of a course, and also embedded in higher education curricula. This paper will address how these COERs are taken forward and adapted by learners and educators and how this process has engendered more open educational practices. The audience will be engaged to contribute how they have adapted OERs in their own context and how this has contributed to OEPs. The author will blog before and after the conference to share project resources, slides and ideas generated through conference participation.
Ehlers, U. (2011), “Extending the territory: from open educational resources to open educational practices”, Journal of Open, Flexible, and Distance Learning, Vol. 15 No. 2, pp. 1-10, available at: (accessed 1 December, 2018).
Karunanayaka, P. and Naidu, S. (2017) “A design-based approach to support and nurture open educational practices”, Asian Association of Open Universities Journal, Vol. 12 Issue: 1, pp.1-20, Downloaded on: 01 December 2018.
Miller, K. McIntyre, R. and McKenna, G. (2018) “Collaborative design of Open Educational Practices: An Assets based approach” Open Praxis, vol. 10 issue 2, pp. 191–199 (ISSN 2304-070X)
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