Session Description
In this mini contribution, we will share the thought and design process of organising organising the next Open Education Global Conference in 2019 in Milan by the Open Education Consortium and the Politecnico di Milano. It is a story of two open practitioners from two different parts of the world who met at the same conference a few years ago and developed a professional relationship based on shared interests that led to this collaboration. Together, they will explore the magical ingredients that made their collaboration fruitful, share how they worked together also with colleagues from the Open Education Consortium and the Politecnico di Milano and what they plan to do differently and break free from more traditional formats (Foxen, 2018) as part of the conference that will take place in November 2019 to maximise creativity through openness (Reswick, 2017) aiming to foster engagement and collaboration across borders and boundaries, to maximise on “our variability that gives us collective strength” (Treviranus, 2016, 7). The main theme of the conference will be “Open Education for an Open Future”, so the way in which the conference will be organised would reflect this attitude to start working for the future embedding it into present opportunities. For a Conference, this means experimenting new ways to make knowledge, networks, projects, communities grow across boundaries, creating concrete new opportunities from practical work and shared exchanges. The conference format will reflect all of it and aims at being disruptive.
Foxen, S. (2018) The academic conference is an underexploited space for stimulating policy impact. LSE Impact Blog. 24 September. Available at
Resnick, M. (2017) Lifelong kindergarten. Cultivating creativity through projects, passion, peers, and play. Cambridge (MA): MIT Press
Treviranus, J. (2016) Life-long learning on the inclusive web, Proceedings of the 13th Web for All Conference, Article 1, Montreal, Canada, April 11-13, available at
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