Session Description
Oh to be able to convey a message in a minute! To tell a story; to spread an idea; to put forward an argument; to articulate a vision. A zine is a great medium for doing exactly these things. It’s a humble little booklet, made from just one piece of paper, yet it can be a mighty bridge that spans you and your audience.
In this session, participants will be guided through creating a reflective DIY zine which brings to life the participant’s perspective of one of the OER19 conference themes.
The process of creating a zine is as useful as it’s output; the process hones a succinct message, whilst the output itself is the message in a readily transmittable form.
Participants won’t need to be an artist to make a meaningful zine, as the essence of the zine aesthetic is amateur, but genuine. The workshop instructors will be on hand to help piece together a narrative, in whatever form it takes for each participant.
It’s highly possible that if this conference proposal is accepted, the workshop instructors will create an OER19 Zine to help participants create a OER19 zine. Meta!
Session content
Our zine making workshop will aim to follow this flow:
1. We’ll take participants through a brief intro as to what a zine is, and how to make one.
2. We’ll framing the creative journey, teeing up the props and assets required for quick DIY zine creation.
3. We’ll help each other make a zine!
4. We’ll help participants share their zine with others.
The workshop will aim to last for 60 mins, but don’t be surprised if people are still there after the hour is up, as it’s hard to let go once you get into the swing of it! Therefore if possible, we hope to allow willing participants to continue for an extra 30 mins.
As the conference progresses, we’ll aim to digitally share some of the zines created via this workshop under an open licence.
A DIY Zine example:
Zine making Guide:
About Amy Burvall:
About Bryan Mathers:
Lisa joined the session Amaz-Zine: How to create a DIY OER Zine [O-095] 5 years, 8 months ago
joined the session Amaz-Zine: How to create a DIY OER Zine [O-095] 5 years, 8 months ago
julielindsay joined the session Amaz-Zine: How to create a DIY OER Zine [O-095] 5 years, 8 months ago
anjalorenz joined the session Amaz-Zine: How to create a DIY OER Zine [O-095] 5 years, 8 months ago
sheilmcn joined the session Amaz-Zine: How to create a DIY OER Zine [O-095] 5 years, 8 months ago
gravesle joined the session Amaz-Zine: How to create a DIY OER Zine [O-095] 5 years, 8 months ago
Paula Cardoso joined the session Amaz-Zine: How to create a DIY OER Zine [O-095] 5 years, 8 months ago
joined the session Amaz-Zine: How to create a DIY OER Zine [O-095] 5 years, 8 months ago
Kate Molloy joined the session Amaz-Zine: How to create a DIY OER Zine [O-095] 5 years, 8 months ago
Tiffani Reardon joined the session Amaz-Zine: How to create a DIY OER Zine [O-095] 5 years, 8 months ago
Leo Havemann joined the session Amaz-Zine: How to create a DIY OER Zine [O-095] 5 years, 8 months ago