#oer19: Call for Proposals Now Open
We are delighted to announce that the #oer19 Call for Proposals has now been published. The 9th Open Educational Resources Conference, OER19: Recentering Open, will be held from 10 to 11 April in Galway, Ireland. The conference themes for submission this year are:
- Back to basics – asking difficult questions about open education:
- Why open?
- Open for whom?
- Whose interests are served?
- In what ways has the open agenda been appropriated, and what are the implications of this?
- The geopolitics of open education, bringing open in from the periphery
- The open ecosystem: How is open education part of the broader ecosystem of “opens”?
- What does it mean to illuminate open by considering context?
- How can historical perspectives contribute to understanding the issues faced in the open education movement today?
- Links between critical digital literacies, critical data literacies, and open
- What open business models are emerging? What are the paths to sustainability?
There differing submission formats include:
Reflective practice presentations | Reflective practice presentations offer a contribution towards the practice of open education, e.g. case studies, descriptive accounts, etc., but with a reflective and critical component.
Time: 20 minutes (typically 15-minute presentation, 5 minutes Q+A)Abstract word limit: 500 |
Research presentations | Research presentations offer a theoretical and/or empirical contribution towards open education; located clearly in the field through, for example, a literature review.
Time: 20 minutes (typically 15-minute presentation, 5 minutes Q+A)Abstract word limit: 500 |
Workshops and panels | Workshops may follow a variety of formats, but all are hands-on, engaged and interactive. Panels may consist of a panel discussion, interview, etc. Due to the high demand for these sessions, we have to limit the number of workshop/panel proposals to those who clearly demonstrate how participants will engage.
In both cases, please specify the topic, format, chair of the session, and all participating as facilitators/panel members. Time: 60 minutes (with optional extension to 90 minutes for workshops). Abstract word limit: 500 |
Alt-format | [7 minutes maximum] Alternative short formats are very welcome, e.g. demos, Pecha Kucha, spoken word, TED-style talk, multimodal presentations, performance, improvisation, screening a digital story, web content, etc. This format asks you to be creative, to share an idea in a way that speaks to heart and mind.
Time: 7 minutes Abstract word limit: 250 |
Open spaces | We’d like also to facilitate spaces for people to engage in emerging conversations. We invite experienced facilitators to offer to create a space for participants to interact and engage with issues during conference. Please provide as much information as possible regarding suggested topic/question, format, anticipated time requirements, anticipated number of participants, how participants will engage, etc.
Time: 30 minutes or 60 minutes Abstract word limit: 500 |
Posters and videos | Posters will be displayed online and in the conference area and videos will be displayed online. These should clearly address one or more of the conference questions.
Abstract word limit: 250 |
Deadlines for submissions are 01 December 2018 https://oer19.oerconf.org/call-for-proposals/
We look forward to seeing you in Galway!