Early Bird Registration is Open
Registration is now open for the 10th annual conference for Open Education Research, which will take place in Galway between 10-11 April, click to register now.
For OER19, we will continue to engage with current, key open education debates, including looking at who open education is helping, how it fits within the whole open arena, how we can learn from previous perceptions of open and how the money is being made.
Laura Czerniewicz and Catherine Cronin will be your conference co-chairs, bringing with them a fantastic wealth of sector experience and enthusiasm to guide you through your OER19 experience.
You can read more about all our conference themes, “meet” the Co-Chairs, keep up to date with announcements, enjoy our guest blogs and follow all the conference news on the OER19 website.
Register now to take advantage of early bird prices. OER19 Committee Members and ALT Members can benefit from a discounted early bird rate of £300 to attend both days (or £335 from 1 February). Single day tickets and non-member rates are also available. The early bird deadline is 31 January.
We hold the fees for this event as low as possible to make OER19 as inclusive and accessible as possible. However if cost is a genuine barrier we have a small amount of funding that we can use to help subsidise conference fees. Anyone able to support the scholarship fund is able to add a donation as part of their conference registration.
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Registration now open for #OER19: Recentering Open, 10-11 April, Galway. Early bird rates apply till 31 Jan https://oer19.oerconf.org/
We look forward to welcoming you for the Galway craic!
The ALT Team