Announcing our final #OER19 keynote speaker: Su-ming Khoo (@sumingkhoo)
We are delighted to be able to announce Su-ming Khoo as our final Keynote, making our exceptional line up for OER19 complete. Su-ming Khoo is currently a Lecturer in Political Science and Sociology, and Cluster Leader of the Whitaker Institute: Environment, Development and Sustainability and Ryan Institute: Socio-Economic Impact Research Clusters at NUI Galway. You can find out more about Su-ming and all our other fantastic keynote speakers here. If you are yet to register to join us, you can book your place here.
Su-ming Khoo (@sumingkhoo)
Su-ming Khoo is a Lecturer in Political Science and Sociology, and Cluster Leader of the Whitaker Institute: Environment, Development and Sustainability and Ryan Institute: Socio-Economic Impact Research Clusters at NUI Galway. She holds a Ph.D. in Sociology and Social Policy from The Queen’s University of Belfast. Her research and teaching connect human rights, global public goods, higher education and ethical perspectives on international development. Drawing from human development and capabilities approaches, postcolonial theory, feminism and ecology and arguing for strong sustainability, Su-ming is committed to inter and transdisciplinary research and public scholarship. In addressing the role of higher education and research, she seeks to infuse decolonial perspectives in research and teaching and to enact critical higher education curriculum which asks questions about global ethics and the futures of ‘development’. Read more.