Session Description
At Centrum Cyfrowe Foundation, we have been focusing for a very long time on policy work and advocacy for Open Education. Our goal is to secure in Poland a general open licensing policy for public educational content and possibly other Open Education related rules.
Yet in the last two years we understood, that open policies will not be successful if they are not supported by a community of educators who are Open Education leaders, and who have the competence to use the Open Education model in their work. And the only way to do that is through practice, and not just describing abstract policy rules.
In our workshop, we would like to start with presenting the story of our advocacy path, which goes from policy to practice. We want to present the Open Education Cooperative “SpołEd” (Spółdzielnia Otwartej Edukacji), which we launched in 2017. SpołEd Cooperative invites teachers to create jointly open educational resources. Our tool is based on 4 basic values: cooperation, learning, creating open resources and adventure. As a result, teachers gain confidence, find a group in which they are appreciated and listened to, learn about new educational tools available online, learn to use Creative Commons licenses. Creating open resources is then a pleasure and an adventure for them. In the process we found out that while openness is an important principle for the project, it is cooperation and empowerment that are the real value. This experience leads us to rethink also our advocacy work on Open Education. (30min)
In the second, active part (60min) of the workshop we will show the method of action that we use in our work with teachers. For everyone to understand how the OER creation method works in collaboration, we invite participants to design their own open mini-project. We would like to focus on designing policy resources for open education advocacy, allowing participants to discuss how to promote in practice the links between practice and policy.
Through this workshop, we hope to propose an approach that connects together advocacy and work at the level of promoting open education policies. We are developing in Poland a model where these are not separate activities – instead, policy benefits from the support of aware practitioners, and educators become aware of the broader political context, as they work on educational resources.
Alternatively, we would be happy to give a reflective practice presentation.
Session content
First part (30min): presentation of the story of our advocacy path, which goes from policy to practice. We want to present the Open Education Cooperative “Educoop” (Spółdzielnia Otwartej Edukacji, “SpołEd”)
The workshop part(60min): Presentation of a concise version of our content co-creation methodology. It will consist of following elements:
– creation of working groups (integration, cooperation, group process),
– a short exchange of experiences and ideas
– planning, in groups, open resources related to topics that we talked about (using canvas and design thinking),
This will all happen in a light atmosphere, using simple, nice tools. Our workshop method allows quick results to be achieved – each group should leave the workshop with a specific idea / goal / plan. On the other hand, thanks to the modular structure leaves a lot of space for learning from yourself and discussion.
We will end with sharing reflections about this and other co-creation methods. We are keen to learn about other projects that develop such methodologies.
With this workshop method we hope to achieve two goals:
– Present our methodology for content co-creation and discuss similar approaches
– Create practical concepts for educational resources about the connection between policy and practice in Open Education
Czetwertyńska, A. (2018). Społed Open Education Cooperative – Mathematics. [online] Centrum Cyfrwowe Foundation. Available at: (Accessed 3.12.2018)
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