Session Description
My institution recently registered its 2,000,000th massively open online classroom (MOOC) participant. This represents 1.27 million global learners. 37,500 people within this group paid a fee, were formally assessed, and have received a certificate. Some of these learners are on campus right now, taking a MOOC to ‘get ahead’ of the curve in their Engineering program. Others are taking an Aerospace MOOC that will give them credit for one of their program electives. All of these learners are part of a global community who wish to develop in ways that may not fit a traditional, on-campus model of teaching and learning. By supporting this significant a group, Delft University of Technology has identified a number of MOOC design and implementation best practices that encourage MOOC learners to engage.
One challenge worth discussing further is that MOOC course platform providers have started asking their partners to focus more design/development effort on revenue generation, though partners would prefer more altruistic pursuits.
To remain honest about the purpose of designing open and massive classrooms, to ‘educate the world’, workshop participant will start the workshop by discussing;
• What are the minimum criteria for a massive classroom to remain open AND sustainable?
• How do the evolving characteristics of online learners inform the design of a MOOC?
• How do I make design choices, remix content, and develop only when necessary in ways that support a classroom of globally distributed learners who learn ‘just because’ AND ‘just in time’?
The remainder of this 60-minute workshop will use our answers to these questions to the design of a short (8 hr) MOOC. We will create a course blueprint that applies known best practices, facilitates engaging and open course experiences, and maps ready resources that make development more agile.
All resources utilized within the workshops are CC licensed for modification and reuse, and the UMU course, created to support the workshop, is publicly accessible to all conference participants (during and after the conference).
Session content
0 – 30: Design and Development – The R’s have it
• Remixing ready resources
• Remaining open
30 – 60: Delivery – FAR and wide
• Facilitating the experience (of getting in, getting started, and getting through)
• Rewarding the experience
Basic familiarity with MOOC platforms, and an appreciation for their potential in higher education, will help with discussions. Participants should Bring Your Own Laptop (BYOL), and be prepared to use a web browser for part of the session.
O’Neill, L. (2018). Create a global, open classroom. [online] Available at:
Meijerink, Leonie; Kiers, Janine; Marquis, Danika (2016). Carpe Diem: a new day for flexible MOOC design. In Proceedings of the European Stakeholder SUMMIT on experiences and best practices in and around MOOCs (EMOOCS 2016). ISBN 9783739237107 (page 425-438)
Lisa joined the session Lets develop an open, global classroom [O-079] 5 years, 11 months ago